Everyone welcome my guest Catmarie Wilson.
Dawn: I would like to welcome Catmarie Wilson to my blog today.
Catmarie, it is great to have you with me today. First tell us a little about yourself. Your likes and dislikes, your favorite foods,
your special pets? What makes you…you?
Catmarie: As a
former dance teacher I enjoy all types of exercise including yoga, tai chi,
aerobics, zumba, you name it. I love
taking daily walks while thinking about what to write. When I’m not reading a good book I’m usually
planning a Red Hat Society event as the queen of the Snake River
Scarletts. Photography is another
passion. I’m still an amateur, but enjoy
entering contests and posting at online photo sites. I can’t forget my love of the computer and
word games too.
Dawn: What is the title of your current work
and what is it about?
Catmarie: My
current book is “STRANGE Unexplained Tales from Idaho and Beyond.” I relate my own experiences including winning
a contest to begin training as a ghost hunter.
I’ve included results of investigations and ghost tours along with
thoughts on dreams and reincarnation.
Friends and
relatives contribute with tales of UFOs, near death experiences and many ghost
stories, mostly from Idaho. A wide
variety of paranormal phenomena will please the reader.
Buy Links: http://uintahspringspress.com/
Available in digital form through
Nook and Kindle
The phone rang during a
pleasant visit with my in-laws.
“May I ask who’s calling?”
I said.
“This is Karl,” he said
even more sorrowfully.
I called to my husband, who
was in another room visiting with his mom and dad.
“Charlie, the phone’s for
you. It’s your Uncle Karl.” However, when my husband picked up the phone, no
one was on the line.
Later the news came that
Karl had died at the exact time we received the call. While cutting grass, he
had collapsed from a heart attack. This was in the 1970’s before cell phones
were popular. He’d had no chance to get to the inside phone. I believe his
spirit wanted to contact the family gathered at my house. I had talked to a
dead man on the telephone
Dawn: How long did have you been writing and
when did you know that writing was what you wanted to do? What kind of writer
are you, a plotter or a pantser?
Catmarie: I took
a children’s writing class in 2002, but decided I like writing for adults more
so I submitted to magazines and contests.
In 2009 I developed breast cancer and came through it with new
priorities. I wanted to share my beliefs
with people and let them know how ordinary people experience these fantastic
events every day. Writing a book felt
Dawn: Share your social profiles with us.
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…where do you spend your cyber-time?
Catmarie: You
said it already, Facebook for games and Idaho Author’s Community, Twitter,
Pinterest, Goodreads, and myboomerplace.
I’m sure I’m forgetting more.
Dawn: If you could travel to any-where or
any-when…when and where would that be? What would you do when you got there?
Catmarie: Ancient Egypt! What a thrill it would be to see an ancient
civilization in its glory days. Modern
day Egypt is on my bucket list, but I’d want to wait until things settle down
there. I got to see the Eiffel Tower,
now it’s on to the pyramids.Dawn: What draws you to the genre or genres in which you write?
Catmarie: I’ve always had a passion for the weird and
unexplained. Chalk it up to watching the
“Twilight Zone” while growing up along with reading fairy tales and hearing
about miracles. My grandmother’s eerie tales must have been an influence too.
Dawn: Who is your favorite author and
why? Which book speaks to you the most?
Catmarie: Tough question. I like reading a wide variety and don’t have
one special favorite. I’m impressed with
Dan Brown and all his research. Dean
Koontz and Stephen King have wild imaginations.
Shirley Maclaine isn’t afraid to speak out about her beliefs. Betty Eadie’s “Embraced by the Light”
influenced me decades ago. Her book
encouraged me to read everything in the library about death experiences and the
paranormal. I actually got to meet her
at a Salt Lake City book signing.Dawn: What do you like to listen to when you write? Music, TV, silence?
Catmarie: Silence. I try to give full attention to my writing and tune everything else out.
Dawn: When do you find the time to write?
Are you an early morning person or a late at night writer?
Catmarie: Since I
retired as a substitute teacher I have all the time I need. I can write at any time. The problem is scheduling interviews with all
my contributors.
Dawn: Tell me about any promotions or
contests you are running? Where can we go to sign up and what are the rules?
Catmarie: I haven’t done anything like that yet. It sounds like a great way to promote and I’m
open to it.Catmarie, I want to thank you for being with me today. I love reading stories about the true unexplained experiences of people. It must be fascinating to talk to so many people about their “close encounters”. I enjoyed learning more about your book and look forward to reading it.
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